Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I scared myself today.

Woke up last night with a bit of a fever, so I called in this morning. And things proceeded to go downhill. Called the doctor, got an appointment for this afternoon.

When I checked in at the doctors, my temp was 104.1 . They double checked it. 103.8 the second time. I was NOT a happy camper.

So I was the lucky recipient of some IV antibiotics, and some new goodies to tear me up for a week or two, and a note from my doctor saying I can go back to work on Monday. Well, at least I have time to catch up on my blogging. :)

Until our next.........


Sharon said...

whoa! that's bad news. take care of yourself and get well, please. ....

PCDoc said...

I am much better, but a bit wiser. I'll be better - thanks for caring!!!


Patty-Jo said...

Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. That was a scary temp for sure!