Thursday, January 27, 2005

Oh Lord. Here we go again.

Above, you will find a new goodie that I have found in my travels. But, as a father, it depresses me no end to see it actually running - or needed for that matter.

Above find an Amber Alert ticker. It is a Nationwide ticker, so don't be suprised if you see alerts for places other than Oregon.

There is one tonight. I hope it's gone by morning. It could happen. Prayer works........

Until our next..........


Patty-Jo said...

I just saw on the news that she didn't survive. Her body was found today in a stream. God help her family. I can't begin to imagine what they must be going through.

Patty-Jo said...

I just added your wife's blog to my blogroll. I'll be adding yours as well. I like your writing very much.

PCDoc said...

Thanks for adding us to your blogroll. Someday I'll figure that out :) As for the child above, there was one this morning for a 6yo in Calif., but he has been found safely.

It's sobering to see how much ticks by.